Thursday, January 5, 2012

Holidays/ Chicago!!

Whew! The holidays are over, and it is a brand new year! Christmas was hectic (4 celebrations in 5 days for us-- including 9 total hours of travel), but a lot of fun! We got a lot of great loot, including a popcorn maker I am now completely obsessed with using. It was also really great just seeing everyone! My cousin is pregnant, due at the end of this month so it was nice getting to see her and her husband before I'm sure they won't get much time out of their home in the next few months at least!

The time after Christmas was equally hectic-- my husband and I were pulling extra shifts to make up for the money spent around Christmas, and cleaning the house to get ready for the New Year. New Years eve was probably the best I've had since I was a kid... our two good friends (and only close couple friends at the moment) came over for dinner (which I am loving doing thanks to matching utensils/ plates, etc and new table cloth, place mats and cloth napkins-- I am such a dork about that stuff), and then we spent some time in before watching fire dancers, dancing, and eating/ drinking at the nice bar in this city (lol). The next day while Jesse was at work, the three of us watched football, ate junk food, and moaned over our hang overs haha!

After much stress eating, ulcers and the like, I finally have my grades in and am happy to report, though due to one stupid class my GPA was lowered a point and a half, I passed all my classes and *shouldn't* have any problems getting my FAFSA which is wonderful -- it seems like every semester it is a debacle!! My semester next year looks very simple-- classes only between 1pm and 4pm, with only one class Mondays and Fridays. I do, however, have rehearsal four nights a week and still need to work at LEAST 2 shifts a week. Plus I teach two classes on Saturdays, assist with a class on Thursdays, and am choreographing a musical between now and March.... so, life is busy as usual lol.

In other news, Jesse found a grad school he likes in Chicago which is amazing to me, because I have (since embracing my love of History) wanted to work at the Field Museum there! I have been looking at available jobs and while there is not a whole lot I could do YET.... I could get an internship there and then after I have my degree in approximately 17 1/2 months get a big-girl job there!

Due to his liking a school in Chicago, he is currently studying for his GRE test, and I am busy looking forward to moving!! We have planned a very quick outing to Chi town this month-- pretty much getting 20 hours in the big city, but we're going to be taking Greyhound, so we can sit back and relax and the driver worries about the driving. We're hoping to meet a professor in Jesse's selected field, get some info on housing in the city and visit either the museum, aquarium, or both. The art institute is amazing but after touring it with Kris about 3 years ago.... I need at least another year before I can go back. Going to art museums with that man....yuck. I remember as a little girl, my mom lost me for awhile int he field museum-- turns out I had run back to the Egyptian exhibit and curled up in one of the darker corners. Ever since then, I have been obsessed with the place and culture and history...mostly the history. Ancient Egypt, the Tudor dynasty and the Holocaust are my significant points of interest in the History department. Long story short, I'm in love with the Fields Museum :)

I'm looking into apartments without much avail because there are not a whole lot of listings for apartments available in 8 months.... It is nice to get a preview of apartments in the city though, and to get some insight on good neighborhoods to live in. I have lived in many different locations in my life, though most were fairly short durations.... I cannot wait to move somewhere indefinitely! I'm trying to make sure we both get ample time with our families this year as who knows how much we will get to see them after? Traveling expenses from Chicago to the twin cities is pretty inexpensive but there are a few different factors coming into play here in the next year that could alter how much money we actually have to play with....

I'm also hoping to finish my senior year completely online which could prove to be QUITE interesting... Have to get all my classes figured out way ahead of time and possibly be traveling up a few times a semester to take classes here at UMD. To explain, any good Universities require you to do half your major or 2 full years there and I don't want to drop from a state University to a college... that may sound REALLY snotty, but I have been working on building a resume to blow employers away and that would not be helpful. We shall see what these coming months bring....

Well, about time for me to hit the sack.... night all!

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